Craig A Michalik, Denver CO 80231 - Real Estate Agent

Craig A Michalik

8821 E. Hampden Ave.#110

Denver, CO 80231


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Other Information
Craig A Michalik - You have been viewing the online profile for Craig A Michalik. They are located at 8821 E. Hampden Ave.#110, Denver, CO 80231. For more information feel free to give them a call at 303.750-7070 , tell them you saw them on the Real Estate Agent Directory

By: Reggie at Monday 23rd of April 2012 05:06:39 AM

Never do business with this clown, unless you are interested in losing your money, he will tell you lies, promise you the world things that cannot happen. He is a two faced asshole little weasel who really needs to take a business ethics class. His idol is Donald trump only with less class and a bigger undeserved ego, he is a pompous little twit. He compensates his tiny penis with flashy clothes and other trappings of a yuppie douchebag. He is an extreme narrcissit who if questioned will blame everyone but himself, if you question him it is your fault, or the nebulous "economy". IF anything goes wrong he will keep your earnest money no matter what he promises, DO not believe this man, if he promises anything to you get it in writing so you can sue him later, or better yet simply don't do business with unscrupulous sacks of shit like this and maybe the scum will sink to the bottom where he belongs or better yet in jail for the lying snake oil thief that he is.

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